Monday, November 28, 2011

Barney Frank is retiring, let us examine his illustrious service

Above video is from 2005:
There is an "excessive degree of concern right now about home-ownership and its role in the economy, obviously speculation is never a good thing, but those who argue that housing prices right now are at a point of a bubble, seem to me to be missing a very important point . . ." No, Barney, no they are not.

Above Video regards Barney's testimony in 2003:
barney opposes a regulatory board to oversee that Freddie and Fannie make prudent home loans. Barney argues that this is uneeded, that both organizations are financially sound, and that home ownership should continue to be pushed by the federal government. This despite clear warnings. eerie statement, "even if there is a problem, the federal government does not bail them out . . ." No barney, no we do bail them out.

Post housing bubble collapse statements:
Barney Frank after the collapse living up to his mistaken forecast. explaining how the government should not create GSE's which artificially prop up markets because the government is a poor banker. No, actually that is not true. he just outright lies.


Barney Frank is not evil. He is not the worst congressmember of this era. He sponsored bills and championed causes I agree with. He was brave enough to come out as gay despite holding public office, a role requiring peoples support even though many people can be close-minded. I respect the congressman for that, and some of what he did.

But he was part of the problem that led to the housing bubble bursting. He lied about his involvement afterwards. His arrogance and policy not only had destroyed many peoples investments, but he refuses to live up to his part played in so many people who are under water with bad mortgages. A classic example of a congressman attempting to good but only harming society by accident. It is simply rare such a clear example is made.

I believe Barney Frank was overly lauded for his service. I am at least glad to hear he is finally retiring.

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