Monday, December 5, 2011

Massachusetts Occupy Movement: demographics & thoughts

In MA, according to a recent poll by the Boston Glob/Suffolk University, 41% approve of the Occupy Movement while 38% disapprove. A fairly even split. This is surprising considering the liberal bias of the state which is home to such congresspeople as Kerry, Barney Frank, Ted Kennedy, and perhaps soon enough Elizabeth Warren.

24% of renters disapproved of movement while 41% of homeowners disapproved. I believe this is probably a stronger correlation of young people supporting the movement, since young people often rent instead of own, then a insight into interests of property holders in upholding property rights.

There was a strong correlation between support of the Occupy Movement and approval of President Obama's handling of the economy. I find this disturbing if perhaps not surprising.

President Obama, as much as the liberals adored punching bag President Bush, has contributed to the those ailments of society so staunchly protested by the Occupy movement. Obama has benefited the corporations and the big companies, choosing winners and losers, at the expense of the common people, of the people who do not happen to work for the governments favorite companies or as an executive. Obama is the one who takes from the taxpayers to give to his political supporters, such as Solyndra (now bankrupt), GE (paid no taxes), Google (who now controls many government contracts and supports government intervention into the internet), and many others. I am not saying other Presidents have not done this as well, but my point is that Obama is a corporatist and a statist as opposed to the free-minded, we want change, transparency style President he is believed to be.

Perhaps the Occupy movement support him because he wants to tax the rich more and give to the poor. Perhaps they like him for Obamacare, which is seen as benefiting those to poor to afford care for themselves. Also they may support Obama because he supports unions and they are seen as a middle class stimulating entity. They will not be dissuaded from these convictions they hold.

I vote the Tea Party & Occupy Movement come together.

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