Monday, May 7, 2012

Ron Paul is Racist

Racist Ron Paul comes to the aid of a mixed-race couple in Texas in 1972 when the wife was in labor pains and no doctor would help them. When her black husband asked for help from the hospital, they called the cops on them. Ron Paul cared for the mother, and never sent them a bill for the service. This is charity. This is looking beyond the color of a person's skin, this is looking at someone for who they are and not what category they fit into.

"True racism in this country is in the judicial system and it has to do with enforcing the drug laws... the percentage who use drugs is about the same with blacks and whites" yet blacks are imprisoned way disproportionately. "If we truly want to be concerned with racism . . .we should look ta drug laws being so unfairly enforced." RP

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