Wednesday, January 11, 2012

CNN Paul Campaign Political Analyst Admits Bias Against Paul

Dana Bash, in talking to John King

"...I'm sure you talked to Republicans who are worried..., just like I am, that Ron Paul will continue on long into the spring and summer, even further, if he runs as a Republican or Independent, he can hurt whomever the Republican Nominee is: Because nobody thinks, even if he does well here in New Hampshire, that he will ultimately be the nominee."

Ron Paul came in a strong second place in NH with 23% of the vote. Santorum was in single digits, Perry had nothing, Gingrich the Chickenhawk has been forgotten, Huntsman is already a fading memory.

Paul in a CBS poll is neck and neck in a race against President Obama, the only Republican candidate polling better is Romney. Paul has the strongest grassroots campaign, is raking in large amounts of donations despite no establishment support, and nationally has strong support.

In NH in 08, Paul received 8% of the vote. On January 10th of 2012, he received 23%. First they ignored him, then they marginalized and laughed him off, then they decided to attack him, ...Then you win (give Gandhi props for that quote).

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